Expert Carbon Monoxide Testing Service in Lynn, MA and The North Shore Area
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Detection
Be Sure To Print Out Our $25 Off Any Service Call Coupon For Testing, Prevention or Repairs!
The professional Boston heating technicians at Waldman are trained and certified to test your home or office for the presence of carbon monoxide. We know how your appliances and heating systems work and can catch the gas early before it harms anyone. We know how to assess the risk factors so that you and your family or coworkers are safe and healthy. It is always a good idea to have a carbon monoxide test during your annual system inspection.
What is Carbon Monoxide?
Carbon monoxide is an extremely dangerous gas. Colorless and odorless, it forms in places where not enough oxygen is present to burn certain carbon containing fuels. The most common sources of carbon monoxide are boiler, water heaters and stoves. Since carbon monoxide can pop up anywhere without you knowing, it is also a good idea to have a carbon monoxide alarm in your home.
Jeff Waldman and his crew are unbelievable
What are Signs of Carbon Monoxide?
- Headache
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Tightness of Chest
- Confusion
- Dizziness
If you are having these symptoms and believe there is a carbon monoxide poisoning in your home or office, immediately evacuate the building for fresh air, and call 911. Do not reenter the building until the problem has been repaired.
How to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
- Test your carbon monoxide detector every month.
- Replace your carbon monoxide alarm based upon the manufacturer’s specifications.
- Replace boilers that are 15 years old as these are at higher risk.
- Have your local heating company test your boiler, boiler and water heater annually.
- Have only certified, experienced technicians install gas and propane appliances.
- Be sure your boiler hasadequate intake of outside air.
- Have a qualified technician annually clean your chimney.