It’s Time to be Thankful for Our Heating System
Winters can sure get cold here in the North Shore area! Can you even imagine spending a Thanksgiving and Holiday season here without having a heating system to keep your family warm and toasty? Or more importantly, our Thanksgiving dinner would be getting cold the minute it landed on our dinner table!
We often times take our heating system for granted. It is such an important part of our homes, and they deserve a special thanks for helping to keep us warm.
Throughout time humans have never wanted to be cold, but especially in our homes. The Romans are believed to be at the forefront of the central heating system by using a system that would move hot air from a furnace through pipes under their floors and through their walls. The early Koreans expanded on that idea and used their cooking stoves to generate extra heat to be dispersed.
From the radiators in 1895 to the use of electrical heating elements in 1919, heating our homes has always been a priority for the comfort of our families. Streamlining that process to save both time and money continues to be the goal for heating companies across the country.
Waldman Plumbing & Heating would like to thank you for allowing us help keep your heating systems running as efficiently as possible through tuneups and regular maintenance.
We have been serving the North Shore area for over 100 years and we will continue to strive for excellent customer service. Thank you for letting us continue to work towards that endeavor.
We’d like to wish everyone a Happy & Healthy Thanksgiving and Holiday Season.