The Importance of Carbon Monoxide Leak Detection in Winter
Due to the increased risk and incidents of carbon monoxide poisoning during the winter season, officials are avidly warning people about the harmful, often fatal effects of carbon monoxide. People may think of carbon monoxide poisoning as something that occurs in an improperly ventilated vehicle; however, many people have died in their homes from this gas poisoning as well. Gas leak detection from Waldman Plumbing is absolutely vital in order to control carbon monoxide levels in your home. It just may save your life.
The Silent Killer
Carbon monoxide is virtually unidentifiable. Unlike other gas leaks, you cannot smell, taste or see carbon monoxide, giving it the term “the silent killer”. In winter, most windows and doors are shut and sealed tight to prevent heat from escaping. This also prevents the deadly gas from escaping and allows it to build up to deadly levels within hours.
Identifying the Signs
Those that are affected by carbon monoxide poisoning may feel as though they are coming down with the flu or a cold. Muscle aches and headaches are key signs. If you suspect a leak, open the windows in your home, leave and call for help. A leak detection check from Boxford Plumbers will clear up the situation.
Take Action
Experts suggest every home be equipped with a carbon monoxide detector, which works much like a smoke alarm. When higher levels of carbon monoxide are detected, an alarm sounds bringing it to the occupant’s attention.
Call the Professionals
If you suspect that your home has a gas leak, contact us, the leak detection professionals at Waldman Plumbing at 781-780-3184. We have the knowledge and experience necessary to clear your home and make it safe for your family.
Source: 2News, “Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning,” Paul Nelson, January 9, 2014.