
Ever Wonder About Water?

Water, as they say, is life. But it might shock you just how much you use per day. According to the EPA, the average American uses 86 gallons per day – and the average household uses a whopping 300! Now you might be curious where…

Leaky Fridge?

So you went to grab the milk out of your fridge this morning and ended up with wet slippers! Leaky fridges can ruin your morning, but if you woke up today and asked yourself, “Why is my fridge leaking water?”, you’ve come to the right…

Spring Sink Cleaning

Spring cleaning is here! Whether you’re a deep cleaning professional or a first-time scrubber we have all the tips you need to get your sink sparkling. Below you’ll find our tricks for a spotless sink and faucet, and a stink-free drain! Grab those gloves and…

The Mystery of the Shutoff Valve

Turning off the water supply is often the first step no matter your plumbing catastrophe. First, however, you’ll want to know what you are looking at. There are multiple water shutoff points throughout your house – a main and many axillaries. The Main You can…

What is Backdrafting?

You don’t want your water heater sucking, physically or metaphorically. But that is essentially what is happening when your water heater is backdrafting due to a flaw in the installation or an obstruction in your piping. Check for Backdraft Now if you are here, you…

How to Prevent Rust Stains in Your Toilet

A common problem that plagues toilets is rust stains. Water seeping into your toilet’s bowl can corrode holes in the porcelain surface. These tiny gaps are often filled with rust particles, giving the inside of your toilet a rusty appearance. There are several steps you…

Why Is My Bathwater Yellow?

It is not uncommon for a bathtub to turn yellow over time, and more often than not this has to do with all the fluids that come into contact with your tub. There are many causes and solutions for this problem, and it is important…

Easy Ways to Unclog a Drain

We’ve all been there, and we’ve all seen warning flags. At first, it may take a little longer for the sink to drain. Water begins pooling around your feet each and every time you take a shower. There are strange, unpleasant odors that linger after…

When a Pipe Bursts, This Is What Happens

With the winter weather coming, frozen pipes are something we all have to think about. Along with shutting down the flow of water coming into your home, frozen pipes are also susceptible to bursting, which can create major problems. But what actually happens when a…

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